Premiere at the Valencia Film Library of TEMPS I ESPAI, by Joan Gómez Alemany
Temps i espai records over 4 years how the painter Josep-Marí Gómez Lozano repaints a painting by his father, Vicente Gómez García.
Temps i espai records over 4 years how the painter Josep-Marí Gómez Lozano repaints a painting by his father, Vicente Gómez García.
He has been selected as one of the ten finalists in the XIII RNE Short Film Competition, part of the RTVE program "De Película".
At Shoji Films we have been filming and producing our first feature-length documentary for more than four years, titled El projecte Pisoft.
Co-produced with Cinemes Girona for its tenth anniversary as an exhibition hall, it continues its journey through Catalan festivals.
The short film, written and directed by Rubén Seca and co-produced by Shoji Films and Cinemas Girona, commemorates the 10th anniversary of the theater.
Our most awarded short film, with more than 80 international selections and 15 awards, is now available on the online platform.
Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.